Knowhow-Now Article

Keeping Your Sanity When Traveling With Your Kids

Travel offers both educational and entertainment value for young children, but it can also lead to stress and frustration for Mom or Dad. Airport delays, long airplane rides, never ending car travel and mixed up sleep schedules can cause a child to act up, and these things can leave you feeling like the trip is not so pleasant after all. To keep your sanity when children and travel mix, there are some simple steps that you should follow.

Tip: Avoid foods that may contain something you're allergic to hiding in a dish. If you do have an allergy, you will need to have a good handle on the language of the country you are eating in.

Bring along plenty of entertainment. Whether it is travel friendly games, coloring books, reading books, video games or DVD movies, make sure you have lots of fun things to do when your children are asked to wait or sit still during travel. Pack up some of their all time favorites, and be sure to include a new surprise or two. By having lots of fun things for them to choose from, you will reduce boredom and frustration, making your trip a more pleasant one.

Tip: You do not want to wait until you are on a cruise ship to know that you will get seasick. Not knowing can put a huge damper on your plans.

Involve the whole family in some fun travel games. Look for different license plates on cars, see who can recognize the most airlines at the airport or count animals along the side of the road. There are lots of books and even Internet sites with fun and simple games that everyone can join in on. Take advantage of these, and keep your children occupied so that they do not think about how long the trip is taking. This is a great way to pass the time in a family friendly way that keeps everyone from feeling frustrated.

Tip: Try and leave important valuables at home. The more items you have with you, the chance will be higher that you will leave one behind, or an item gets stolen.

Make sure to keep everyone from feeling hungry. Whether you pack lots of snacks or plan to purchase them at the airport, make sure that you are prepared to keep everyone's stomach full. If tiny tots are involved, do not forget to pack the formula, breast milk or baby food. Having enough food and drink during your travels can help to keep grumpy children from feeling miserable, and this makes mom and dad much happier too.

Tip: If a hotel does not have any vacancies, ask about the possibility of an out-of-service room. If a room needs minor changes to be made, a hotel may classify it as not being in service.

Forget about dressing to the nines. Travel is not about dressing in outfits that will impress Grandma and Grandpa when you arrive. Instead, allow your children to dress in clothes they are really comfortable in. A long car ride or plane trip is the perfect time to allow for sweatpants, yoga pants, leggings and a favorite sweatshirt. Make sure that shoes are comfortable too. Consider layering if the temperature will change between your departure and arrival point. By dressing your children comfortably, you will make it easier on them to relax and take naps during their travels, and this will lead to a more pleasant travel experience for everyone.

Traveling with kids really is a lot of fun, but it can also bring a good amount of frustration. By planning ahead and doing all you can to keep your children occupied and comfortable, you can make the trip a better one for all involved. Take the time to plan ahead and you are sure to create vacation memories that make the whole family happy.

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