Knowhow-Now Article

Keeping Yourself Safe When Staying In A Hotel

Traveling safely is everyone's goal. When it comes to staying in a hotel room, there are some steps that you should always take to keep yourself out of harm's way. Review this checklist before your next trip, and make sure your hotel stay is a safe one.

Tip: Make a packing list. Your list should be made well in advance (7-30 days) and should include all of your necessities.

Always keep your hotel door locked and use the deadbolts on the inside. If you have a chain on your door, use that as well. The more layers of safety your door offers, the better off you are. These locks can keep unwelcome visitors out and help to make your evening in your room a safer one.

Tip: If your plane has arrived in your destination, but your checked baggage has not, stay calm. Ask for the airport's lost luggage office and file a claim.

Keep a watchful eye when walking to your room. Always make sure you are not being followed, and keep your key in hand so it is ready to unlock your door. While most hotel lobbies and hallways are very safe, this is an extra precaution you can take to ensure your personal safety. If you do feel like you are being followed, do not go to your room. Instead, head toward the lobby and ask a front desk representative to have a member of security escort you to your room.

Tip: Purchasing tickets online and printing them at home can be a real time saver, so look into this option if you are planning on seeing a specific attraction or amusement park. Sometimes there is a ticket fee, but already having your ticket means you don't have to stand in long lines, so the fee is totally worth it.

Never leave your valuables in plain site. While you might think valuables are safe because they are in your locked room, a lock on your door is not a sure sign of safety. Even a member of housekeeping could lack trustworthiness, and that might put your valuables in danger. Always use the safe in your room. If you do not have one, ask if there is a safe at the front desk available to guests. As a last resort, take your valuables with you, rather than leaving them on your bedside table or dresser in the room.

Tip: Try getting in a big workout before you board the plane. A long flight can be extremely boring.

Use caution when opening your hotel room door. If you receive a knock in the middle of the night, always ask who it is. If you are not familiar with the person, leave your door locked. Even if they state they are a member of housekeeping or a part of the hotel staff, always call the front desk to confirm this. Many criminals target unsuspecting hotel guests in this way, and you want to make sure you do not become one of those targets.

Tip: Some travel websites off e-tracking options that you can use. This option keeps you informed about the cheapest ways to travel.

In addition to not opening your door to strangers, never give out your room number to strangers. Even if the person at the bar seems friendly, it is not safe to tell them what room you are staying in. If you want to spend time with them, do so in a public area of the hotel.

Tip: Review any hotels or resorts you plan on staying in through online reviews and travel sites, so that any potential issues can surface before you finalize your itinerary. By avoiding places with bad reputations, you can avoid having a terrible experience on your trip.

Finally, use the services offered by the hotel staff if you ever feel you are in danger. The hotel staff has a priority of making their local a safe one. They are glad to assist guests by checking out the rooms, walking them to their car or replacing a lost key. Take advantage of these safety related services if you ever feel the need by calling the desk and asking for assistance.

Using a little common sense is important if your travels involve staying in a hotel. By taking a few precautions, you can make your trip an enjoyable one that is safe for you and your loved ones. Review this list often, and make sure to follow these important steps the next time you are traveling.

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