Knowhow-Now Article

Making Air Travel Easier For Your Children

If you have taken your young children on an airplane trip before, you may be dreading doing it again. But sometimes air travel is necessary. And there are reasons why kids become cranky on airplanes. Here are some tips to help you reduce the stress of air travel for your children, and make the trip pleasanter for yourself as well.

Tip: These will allow you to connect your computer to the television provided in your hotel room. This will allow you to watch movies through your Netflix account, or streaming video, instead of ordering expensive pay-per-view movies offered through your hotel.

For a child less than four years old, look for ways to make them physically comfortable. Bring small bags of their favorite snack, and fluids--perhaps Gatorade because it contains electrolytes. Bring their security blanket and a pillow or stuffed animal. Bring several small books for them to look at or for you to read to them. Do the kind of preparation you do for bedtime: a story, a snack or drink of water, a chance to talk about the day's events, to tell you their fears and a chance for you to reassure them.

Give them a window seat so they can watch in awe as the cloud landscape passes by, and point out to them features on the earth below.

Tip: Try to rotate drivers often when traveling. If you drive to the point of exhaustion, at best, your companion will have a lonely drive while you sleep.

Getting through the airport with all its hassles can be at least as upsetting as the plane ride. Bring a stroller so a young child can be comfortable, and so you do not have to carry them. You can check the stroller as baggage once you are in the boarding area, or put it in the overhead rack. Remember that the noise and strange surroundings are confusing and upsetting to young children. Give them lots of reassurance. Be calm yourself, and give them confidence that you can deal with all this. They do not need to worry.

Tip: Bring clothespins on your next trip. While they may not be something you would normally pack, clothespins can come in very handy.

For older children bring games, comic books, a DVD player with earphones--whatever will keep them happily occupied. Sitting together on the plane can also be a good opportunity to talk. Tell them about the place you are going to, reassure any fears they may have. It may seem unnecessary, but assure them that they will be home soon.

Tip: Wait to exchange large amounts of money until you get to your destination. You should exchange a bit of currency before you leave to go on vacation if you do not think you will have access when you get there.

It is very difficult for young children to sit still in an airline seat for hours. In fact, it is probably impossible. Get up with them and let them walk up and down the aisle every so often. And of course, they will need bathroom visits.

Tip: Hotel etiquette calls for tipping the bellhop and housekeeping staff. For bell hops, tip a dollar for every bag they carry.

Make it possible for your child to take a nap on a long trip. Push the seat back for them. Cover them with a blanket and, if you don't have a pillow, roll up a jacket or sweater to make one. Sing softly their usual bedtime song. A nap will keep them from becoming cranky; not only on the plane but after you arrive at your destination.

Tip: Stretch your legs once per hour or more when you're on a long flight. You can do this by walking to the restroom, even if you don't have to go.

Engage in friendly conversation with people sitting near you. This will reassure your child about its surroundings. People will usually be helpful and friendly. If you have had a friendly exchange with them ahead of time, they are less likely to become upset if your child gets cranky or starts crying loudly.

These are simple things, but they can ease your travel experience. Do everything you can to make the plane trip an exciting adventure for your child rather than an uncomfortable ordeal.

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