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Marketing Your Business WitMarketing Your Business With Smart Phones

Smart phones are quickly coming one of the primary ways that people connect with those around them. These devices are both powerful and versatile in the ways they allow the user to interact with others. This is a great tool to promote your business. There are many options available to advertise via these phones, and these are just a few of them.

The oldest mobile marketing method is text messaging and it is also one of the most common. These are simple, short messages designed to get your point across cheaply and quickly. You want to focus your message down to who you are and why people should buy from you. Often these messages come with offer codes to entice potential customers to make a purchase. You may also include a shortened link to your website. Since smart phones come with Internet access as well as being a phone, users can click links straight from the phone.

Tip: Keep it short. When advertising on a mobile platform, keep your messages short, crystal clear, and insistent.

Mobile websites are a great way to advertise to smart phone users. These stripped down websites are designed specifically with smart phone users in mind. Most phone plans come with data limits. These sites use less of that precious data. They also load faster in less-than-ideal coverage locations. Other than being smaller, these sites are very similar to their larger versions. You can use mobile sites to advertise with the same techniques you use on full size sites. Just remember that these sites are viewed on screens that are sometimes only a few inches in area, with a variety of resolutions, so make sure your content will display properly on these devices.

QVC codes are another option, especially for local businesses. These are codes that can be loaded into smart phones through the camera. Users can load the image into the phone and through it can visit your website or receive offers. This can help push impulse buys since both the product and the offer are right there in their hands. Generally your marketing company will take care of both the QVC code itself, as well as setting up an effective landing page for your customers to visit.

Tip: Make sure that your website is mobile-friendly. Your mobile-friendly site should not be cluttered with graphics, and should only include basic but important information about your business that a mobile user can quickly get to.

In game ads are another new form of advertising. You can either use a simple banner or sponsor your own game. Either way, this is a great way to get your business out to millions of potential customers. Sponsoring a game is definitely going to be more expensive, but will draw a lot of attention to your business. You will have to decide what is going to work for you. Remember to choose games that will be played by the demographic that most of your customers belong to.

Whatever method you choose, marketing to smart phone users is a great way to expand your business. These people are the future of your customer base, so you are going to want to reel them in early and then keep them interested in what you have to sell them. Choose the right advertising method for you, and start reaping the rewards.

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