Knowhow-Now Article

Mobile Marketing Basics For Beginners

With millions of customers only inches away from their mobile phones at any given time, it's no wonder that businesses are forever looking for new ways to connect. Smartphones have opened the door for companies to engage customers no matter where they may be. This is a radical departure from traditional Internet marketing, which once required users to be directly in front of their computers. To make the most of your mobile marketing strategy, follow these basic guidelines.

When developing images and layouts for use on smartphones, it is important to remember that you will be working with a modest screen size--usually no larger than 4" and often smaller than that. If you attempt to incorporate too many images and frames into the layout, users will experience a claustrophobic-type effect while browsing your site. Avoid clutter at all costs!

Tip: If you have multiple people working in your business on mobile marketing, it is important for each person to understand the plans and goals behind your company, to that everyone is working on the same page. Your team should be knowledgeable enough not to put your business in a bind, should a customer ask a question.

If your mobile marketing strategy includes text messages as a promotional tool, remember to keep it simple. Ideally, text communications should include no more than 140 characters (the standard for social media giants like Twitter). When working with fewer characters, your messages must pack a powerful punch in only a few words. Make the most of them by avoiding overly wordy missives and gratuitous emoticons. Instead, focus on short, sweet messages: 'Don't forget our huge sale this weekend only!' or 'Free shipping on all orders over $50!' are both good examples.

Interactive video content is an incredible opportunity for mobile marketers, but only if used correctly. Remember that many smartphone users have only a limited allowance for monthly data transfers; a single lengthy video could easily eat up half of their available data, resulting in hefty overage fees. Not exactly the best way to build relationships with your customers! All videos should be as short as possible (no longer than one minute) and must contain relevant, useful information.

Tip: Learning what your competitors are doing, does not mean that you should copy the things that they have done. You are to use the gathered information to help you determine things that work and things that do not work, so that you can develop your plan effectively and save you the trial and error that they had to go through.

When Rovio introduced 'Angry Birds' a few years ago, it opened marketers' eyes to a world of mobile gaming possibilities. Many attribute Rovio's success to its perfect balance of playtime and advertisements. Ads are displayed only briefly and do not overwhelm users by hogging the entire screen. At the same time, however, companies that have partnered with Rovio have reported excellent gains in customer awareness of their products. If you choose to develop your brand with a mobile gaming strategy, strive to achieve this 'Perfect Storm' of ads and game play. It's a win-win situation every time.

Not only are mobile apps affordable--most are free or under $1--but they are also extremely functional and engaging. No matter what industry your business operates in or what types of products and services you offer, there's an excellent chance that it can be used as the foundation for the next popular app. Before you dive in, research your target market's motivations, needs and desires to determine how your app can best serve them.

The growing popularity of smartphones has made mobile marketing the next hot commodity for any company that wishes to connect intimately with its customers. It is a unique and ever-evolving discipline that is truly unlike anything else out there in the digital media world. If your company wants to succeed with mobile marketing, it must understand that it is a new channel unlike any other.

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