Knowhow-Now Article

Mobile Marketing For A Successful Business Owner

Mobile marketing has become a popular choice for many people as an affordable and successful advertising method. There are plenty of ways that you can make mobile marketing enhance your customer base. This article will focus on a myriad of successful tips to help with your marketing endeavors.

Give your customers something that motivates them to come back and deal with your company. Consider giving your current customers discounts. Send text messages with one time only use codes that they can use at checkout when placing an order. Your discounts can range from buy one get one to a 30 percent off coupon. It is entirely your decision which means a better profit margin for you and which you can afford to give to your customers.

Tip: One of the best ways to be a successful mobile marketer is simply to be a successful social net-worker. Getting people to follow your blog or social site links to a destination site is much more effective than attempting to send out ads and emails to various people who aren't your customers yet.

Make sure that you respect and protect your customer's privacy. If someone opts not to receive messages from you, may they be discounts or information, don't disregard this. People will not deal with you if you constantly send messages to them on their smartphones without their permission.

Give people a way out! If someone wants to unsubscribe from your mobile marketing promotions and news, make sure that you make it easy for them to tell you to stop. The most common method of doing this is having customers text back the word "STOP." It is a quick, effective and well known way of giving people a chance to unsubscribe.

Tip: Always supply a call to action. Your customers need to know what they should be doing to purchase from you, and if you do not give them the answer, they will not be purchasing from you any time soon.

You will need people to send mobile marketing messages to. A great way to gain the exposure and audience you need for this is through advertising on your website. Let people know on your website, through email or send a flyer in your packages noting that you are offering great discounts and inside information if they sign up to receive text messages from your company.

Don't just send commercial messages to people. Your customers want to hear about your brand and any new information that they may find valuable overall. Using mobile marketing to force your products on customers is a real turn off. Be clear in your messages and get straight to the point of why you are sending a particular message. If the reason for your message is that you are hosting a sale, don't send it days before the actual sale. Send out your message a few hours before the sale to get your point across.

Tip: If you publish podcasts, make sure that they are available to mobile device listeners. There are a couple of different sites that can enable your podcasts for mobile listening.

Keep in mind that not everyone's phone is the same, so make sure your text messages are formatted to fit a variety of phones and browsers. This makes it imperative that you target your audience correctly and know exactly what you are trying to achieve with your mobile marketing. Avoid using Internet lingo and abbreviations. You are a company owner, not a friend. Your text messages, even if they are discounts, should not contain any large file attachments or pictures that may not work on everyone's phone.

Mobile marketing is an excellent tool to gain the trust of old and new customers. With some planning and effort on your part, you can be on your way to expanding your customer base. Use what you have learned in this article to become a success!

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