Knowhow-Now Article

Mobile Marketing Tips Everyone Could Use

If you have the right knowledge at your disposal, mobile marketing can help you increase your profit margin by gaining the trust of new customers. Meanwhile, there is no right or wrong way to do mobile marketing; make sure that you take precautions and know what you are doing. This article will give you a good head start in getting your feet wet with mobile marketing!

It is a necessity that your mobile marketing efforts fit in with every type of smartphone or mobile device. Remember, not everyone has the same phone or tablet PC! There are a variety of cross-platforms that your marketing messages need to be compatible with, such as the Blackberry, Android and iPhones. Not everyone's mobile device has the same storage capacity or display options. This makes it imperative that when you send marketing messages or links, they can display well on every popular platform. Avoid sending any messages that have too many pictures, large files or are filled with links. This can slow people's mobile devices down or cause them to freeze up.

Tip: When it comes to sending mobile marketing messages to your customers, be sure that you keep the size of any media files as small as possible. This is critical to ensuring both that the download time for the message is low and also so that your customers are not charged extra data fees.

Respect people when they want to opt-out of receiving messages from your company. Numerous companies just take people's contact info and send them marketing messages without their prior consent. It is important that you don't get involved in something like this. Not only can you be held legally liable, but it is a sure way to lose people's respect and business. Before sending direct messages, send a confirmation message that a person from this number has signed up to receive messages from this company. Give people the option of texting back the word "STOP" to unsubscribe from receiving any further messages.

QR codes are another great way to gain the attention of potential customers. The Internet offers many websites which you can use to generate QR codes. These codes should be posted on any flyers you display publicly, business cards, catalogs, brochures or any other form of physical promotions. It is important to remember that not everyone's smartphone has the capability of scanning QR codes, but a good portion of high end phones do. Don't rely only on this possibility of scanning codes alone.

Tip: If you are making use of mobile marketing - send an occasional reminder message! If you have some sort of event coming up, you should remind your customers a few days ahead of time, as well as the day of the event itself. Customers are busy people, and may forget what they had wanted to do without a reminder from you.

Make the reason clear when sending a promotional message. People don't wish to read lengthy messages steeped in mysticism. They want to know up front whether new products have arrived, you are offering discounts or anything else that people may find valuable information relating to your company. It is also important to remember to specify who you are when sending out your messages. Provide a company logo, slogan or brand name that people will recognize straight away when reading your messages.

When people sign up for your newsletters, make sure that you specify what kinds of precautions you take in order to ensure that their privacy is safe. People want to be sure that their information will not be shared or sold to third party vendors or marketing agencies. It is important that you make this known when your customers are accepting your terms of signing up.

Mobile marketing is not only effective but a very modern form of marketing. It is important that your customers know exactly the precautions you take to protect their privacy and that you care about their opinions. Use what you have learned today to become successful!

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