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Nine Effects Of Eating Disorders Towards Health

More often than not, eating disorders are triggered by having negative thoughts and emotions towards food and body weight. It is said that eating disorders represents the habit of eating which can either be eating too much or eating poorly that can cause or change body functions as well as cognitive perceptions.

The individuals that are high risk when it comes to eating disorders happen to be teenagers. Teenagers are in the stage when they are most eager to seek approval from others, thus, pressure from peers and gaining a reputation are most important for them. Their perception of their body image is one of the most important factors that can push them to develop eating disorders. These disorders can even progress to serious ailment and even death.

Anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and bulimia nervosa are the different types of eating disorders that a person can possibly acquire. Majority of individuals who are suffering from these types of eating disorder are unaware of their condition. Awareness is critical because if disorders progress, there is always that risk and possibility to develop severe symptoms of malnutrition and other related diseases. Here are at least nine effects of eating disorders:

1. Arrhythmia – This is the condition wherein irregular heartbeat deprives the heart muscle to function normally and can commence weakening of the muscle walls. Eventually heart failure takes places. This is one of the many effects of eating disorders that is lethal to one's health.

2. Low White Blood Cell Production – These effects are common to over 50 percent of anorexic individuals, which can result to low white blood cell count (leukopania).

3. Amenorrhea – It is also commonly known as not having menstrual periods among women, which may last for 6 months or even longer. According to some investigations, women reveal to have a high tendency to acquire eating disorder. As a result, most of them can manifest amenorrhea as one of the effects of abnormal eating conditions.

4. Atrophy – A person with eating disorder can develop different effects involving muscle wasting in the different areas of the body because of inadequate supply of nutrients. With poor absorption and distribution of nutrients, muscle wasting or atrophy is a typical manifestation.

5. Digestion Problem – Consuming inadequate or excessive food products can lead to some problems in the digestive system. There are different digestive problems that can develop. The reason is the high possibility to alter or halt the production and activity of the digestive enzymes.

6. Dizziness – Lightheadedness or faintness are also observed as one of the effects of eating disorders. Dizziness may develop as minor or can become severe for some individuals. This is related to a drop in the concentration of nutrients reaching the brain as well as the other distal organs.

7. Poor Memory. – Eating disorders are psychiatric disorders, which can also develop forgetfulness as one of its many effects. Bulimia and anorexia nervosa are the types of eating disorders that can lead to poor memory because of poor absorption of food nutrients.

8. Compulsive Eating Habit – Obsessively eating large amounts of food and beverages are also effects of binge eating disorder. This is when they tend to eat large quantities of meals or snacks over a short period of time. Guilt, stress, low self-esteem, and such are the said causes of binge eating disorder, which progresses into compulsive eating habits.

9. Impairment of vision – Eating disorders relates to poor nutrition, which can diminish different amounts of vitamins, and minerals in the body such as vitamin A. Lack of vitamin A can cause vision impairment.

These are some of the many effects of eating disorders that a person may acquire if the condition gets worse. Therefore, if you want to lose weight in a healthy manner, consultation with certified health professionals is mandatory.

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