Knowhow-Now Article

Out Of The Box Travel Options

When many people think about vacationing, they think of family road trips or destination travel where you visit one city and see all the sites. While both of these styles of vacationing can be fun, there are many more options available. Below are a few ideas to get you started thinking outside of the box,

Tip: You can see exotic animal and plant life in the memorable and remarkable vistas of the desert. Most people find themselves struck by the quiet majesty of a desert, even though visiting a desert does not sound like much fun.

The first way to shake up your vacationing experience is to look at your method of travel. Instead of a plane or a car, why not try a boat or train? Cruises are becoming increasingly popular and are now offered to numerous destinations and in many styles. You could go for the more traditional luxury cruise line touring the Caribbean Islands, or you could head north to Alaska, or even choose to cruise down a river, following the path of ancient Vikings. Cruises are an excellent choice for traveling, because you can enjoy the ocean and coastal views while going from place to place, in addition to having your food and entertainment included in the cost.

Tip: Make sure that your shoes are comfortable whenever you travel, and easily removed. You will have to remove them for security checks.

Trains are for those who prefer to watch the sites of the countryside. Get the idea of cramped commuter trains out of your head, and think of touring across the countryside and through mountains in comfortable, spacious cars that bring you back to the travel of another era. Trains offer beautiful views of farms and woodlands, and occasionally spectacular mountain views. With both boat and train travel, the time spent going from place to place is a part of the vacation instead of a mere inconvenience.

Tip: You should know before you arrive at your destination what the laws and local customs are. You could get in trouble for doing something judged offensive or illegal, even if you do not consider it to be problematic.

Once you have determined the method of travel, you should put some thought into the kind of place you will be staying. If you are going to be staying in a remote area, consider backpacking out to a site that is not accessible to cars, or choose the more comfortable option of a cozy bed and breakfast. Talk to locals about the best places to visit while you are there. They may have some ideas that aren't in any travel guide.

Tip: If you are planning a trip to a foreign country, the first step is to check their visa requirements. If a visa will be required, apply for it early.

For international travel there is a huge range in what is available. If you speak the language of the country you are visiting, you can stay in smaller local hotels. If you are nervous about your ability to get around, there are always all inclusive resorts. In Latin America, there are some places that have tent camps, places that offer excellent food and comfortable lodgings in a very rustic setting. These places often have guides for hire that will take you to explore the local wildlife. Some locations also have alternative lifestyle hotels, such as places that try to make the carbon footprint of their hotel as small as possible or places that invite guests to help out on the farm.

The options for your future vacations are endless. Choose an option that will let you feel comfortable enough to rest and relax, while exciting you with something new. Whether you try new methods of travel, or stay in a different kind of lodging, find ways to add variety to your vacations. Above all though, choose a vacation that will allow you to sit back and enjoy your time away!

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