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As a performance-based online advertising payment model, pay per click advertising is a new tool being used by businesses to gain top page ranking on search engines. In PPC, the advertisers only pay at a prearranged per-click rate for qualifying clicks to the destination website.

With the help of Google AdWords, companies can design their PPC campaign in order to achieve maximum results. Google AdWords is one of the fastest and most profitable advertising channels available to marketers. However, its implementation often requires professional help because one needs to identify right keywords that can attract more people to click on the ad.

The process of pay per click campaign through Google AdWords is simple- You bid highest for the required keyword(s); Google places your ad on top or the side panel of the search result page for specific keyword(s); people click on the ad if they find it interesting; and connect to your website and eventually to your business. Once the ad is clicked, you pay a predetermined fee to Google.

When to use PPC advertising?
Though pay per click advertising can be used for almost every business, start-ups and small and medium enterprises can gain huge benefits with its help. Strategic SEO techniques are used by most businesses to improve their page ranking, but that is a lengthy process and often brings delayed results for small and new businesses. With the help of PPC and Google AdWords, companies can get top ranking on the search page by paying a small fee, and that too when their ad is clicked by a visitor, who is a potential customer. Thus, PPC can be used for various reasons including:
  • New businesses
  • Newly launched products or services
  • Newly launched website
  • Businesses that are planning to expand globally
  • Businesses that need help in deciding a name for their products
  • To overcome seasonal slow-down in sales

Advantages of PPC Campaigns-
In traditional forms of advertising, you pay the advertiser a fixed fee no matter what the results be- the ad may or may not bring results, but the fee has to be paid, mostly in advance. This is where PPC campaign proves beneficial. In PPC, you pay only when the ad is clicked, which suggests that a potential customer is trying to connect to your business. A well-thought-out PPC campaign can have several benefits for your business, some of which are discussed below:
  • Cost-effective process- You pay only when you see results as there are no estimates and no pre-payments.
  • Immediate results- Search engine optimisation is an effective method but it takes a long time to show positive results. With the help of PPC, businesses can rank highly on the search engines with immediate effect.
  • Flexibility- The best part about pay per click campaigns is that if you don’t see positive results, you can change the campaign by bidding for a new keyword, with no extra cost. Easy-to-use- Just place the highest bid on the keyword of your choice and get your ad placed on the top- PPC is this simple!
  • Easy-to-use- Just place the highest bid on the keyword of your choice and get your ad placed on the top- PPC is this simple!
  • Precision targeting- Choosing right keywords that can lead the customers to the landing pages leads to precise match of what the visitor is searching for and what the website is offering.
  • Traceability- With the help of the PPC interface from the search engines, you can track your PPC ad easily by knowing how many times its been clicked, what keywords are being searched and whether any purchase was made by a visitor who clicked the ad.
  • Geographic focus- Advertisers can also streamline their pay per click campaign through geographical targeting. If the company provides services only in Sydney, then the advertiser should only target the PPC ads to Sydney. This way, the company can gain higher visibility among its target market.

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