Knowhow-Now Article

Personal Loan Scams

Personal loans are a great way to generate the revenue you need for a variety of needs. Such loans can be secured by banks, loan companies, private investors, and online lenders. It is important that you are aware of personal loan scams and how to avoid them. This type of scam was ranked #5 in the United States for the year 2000. On average, each person scammed lost $464. As a result, the Federal government has been working hard to educate the public about such scams.

The advanced fee personal loan scam is the most common method of taking your money and running. Most victims of such a scam never report it to the authorities because they are embarrassed that they feel for such a ruse. Victims also feel angry. They obviously needed money or they wouldn’t have applied for a loan in the first place. They now have less money than they did to begin with. Those who do report the scam are often frustrated because the perpetrators are very seldom caught and brought to justice. It is very important that you do report any such instant of advanced fee personal loan scam. If you don’t, you are further enabling the predator to do it to others.

Tip: Getting your finances in order is a great way to improve your quality of life. Profits should be protected and capital invested.

Advanced fee personal loan scams work on those who are desperate for a loan, over trusting, uneducated, and who have bad credit. More than half of advanced fee personal loan victims are under the age of 30. The lender tells the applicant that they guarantee they can work with their situation, but that there is a loan processing fee involved. This can be a fee hundred dollars or more. With the technology available now, it is not uncommon for the operators of these scams to have websites and even 800 numbers for you to call. They will send you letters that look so official, you won’t give them a second thought.

The stories of those victimized by such advanced fee personal loan scams will break your heart. One woman had been laid off and was about to be evicted. She found another job and applied for a personal loan to get caught up on the rent. She paid the lender almost her entire first paycheck for so called processing fees on this loan they guaranteed she was eligible for. She was understandably upset when she was evicted as well as found out the lender had taken off with her hard earned money.

Tip: Do not deal with a broker you cannot trust. Verify that they have great references and make sure they are honest and upfront with you.

To protect yourself from falling victim to advanced personal fee loan scams, be careful who you attempt to borrow from. Make sure they are a reputable company. If they are an online business, check them with the Better Business Bureau. Make sure you enter there business name exactly as they list it. A well known practice of this scam is to use a name very similar to an actual reputable lending institution that applicants may be familiar with the name of.

For those of you with bad credit or no credit, don’t believe something that sounds too good to be true, it likely is as the saying goes. You may have to pay a higher interest rate if you have bad credit or no credit, but you should never have to pay any fees up front to apply for a loan or to have it processed. Some personal loan scams will call the fees you pay the first month payment or a high risk deposit. Applicants need to be aware that no such things exist. As a matter of fact, any lender must allow you to have access to the funds for minimum of seven days before they can collect a first payment. You can check the legitimacy of any fees charged by a financial institution with the Federal Trade Commission. If you are facing financial difficulties, look for advice from a reputable non-profit credit counseling service rather than a lender.

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