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Physical Benefits Of Alternative Healing Therapies

Alternative healing therapies and the idea of natural healing profess to affect the whole being. This affect is carried through healing of illnesses and the general well-being in your life. However, it is easier to track a physical progress because it is in your face everyday. There are a variety of alternative healing therapies to discover or choose and each of them claims to benefit a patient physically. All of them could not be included in a short article, but the more common and regarded include:

• Herbal therapy – This would be the use of herbs to treat present maladies and maintain health. This includes using fresh herbs in your cooking, taking an herbal supplement purchased at a health food store, drinking an herbal tea, or creating a topical ointment for a rash. Herbs like garlic can help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. Taking a supplement of chamomile will help reduce inflammation in the joints, thus relieving some of the pain of arthritis. Using the juice of the aloe plant will relieve pain from minor burns and scrapes.
• Naturopathy – This is the understanding that the body works as a whole and should be treated as such. This encompasses the mental and social state of being along with the physical. This therapy activates the body’s natural self-healing mechanisms. Some of the physical maladies that naturopathy cures are: digestive disorders, musculoskeletal problems, infections, skin conditions, migraines, female and male reproductive issues, sleep difficulties, allergies, urinary problems, fatigue, exhaustion, and much more.
• Meditation – A discipline in which a person attempts to get beyond the conditioned "thinking" mind into a deeper state of relaxation. There are different forms of meditation and each focuses on different goals. The physical benefit is a reaction to the mental affect that meditation has. When a person’s mind and body is fully relaxed then their body is able to heal and maintain wellness. Acute stress of the mind builds in the body and may cause heart attack or stroke, among other illnesses and symptoms.
• Massage – Just the thought of a massage makes someone feel great. The thought of someone rubbing your stress away and making your body melt gives you a better sense of relaxation. Some of the other physical benefits may include: reduction in lower back pain, increase of motion in joints, increased circulation, helps boost the immune system by increasing white blood cells, helps sooth infants and aids in digestion, calms aggressive behavior in adults, teens, and children (ADD, ADHD, or post-traumatic stress disorder), speeds muscle recovery post exercise and physical training.
• Holistic Healing – This involves the concept that the body works as a whole and not just as parts. When a particular part is affected then the whole body is affected. So, essentially the benefits are not just physical but mental and spiritual too.
There are different forms of holistic healing and each works together to bring complete well-being. For example: exercise helps keep you fit and trim but also relieves stress. Counseling starts with your mental being but the ability to solve those problems will relax your body and keep you healthy. Acupuncture involves the use of tiny needles placed in certain pressure points to help release the positive flow of energy throughout your body which will aid in pain relief. Natural diet involves eating only food from Mother Nature and not altered by humans. This includes organically grown fruits and vegetables or grass fed beef that are not altered with growth hormones. The lack of preservatives and chemical hormones in your body can only make it feel better and thus not causing a build up of unnecessary chemicals that can be linked to certain cancers.
• Aromatherapy – This works with different senses too so the physical benefit may not seem so direct. This uses certain herbs to enhance certain endorphins in your mind which will cause a physical reaction. For example, lavender scent in the bedroom will cause you to relax and release the endorphin that produces sleep, which in turn will allow for a more restful sleep. A good night’s sleep will keep both your body and your mind healthy.

The benefits of alternative healing therapies do vary, depending on your choice of therapies. Each one does offer a mental, spiritual, and physical benefit. It is truly best to do research before trying a form of therapy and having full communication with your physician will also make for a more positive experience.

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