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Promising Holistic Alternative Healing Therapies

There is a whole subculture that involves alternative healing therapies. This is in conjunction with the growing trend of natural health. A good definition of alternative healing and health is that any form of healing and well-being that is out of the realm of modern scientific based medicine. There are different aspects of healing and therapies that focus on particular parts of your body and life. Some of these therapies date back several thousand years and others are newer theories that have gained popularity in the past century.

A Better Understanding

A good place to start would be a definition of holism, which comes from the Greek word holos. This means all, entire, or total. The theory behind this therapy stems from the thought that the body is greater then the sum of its parts. To go further, it is the idea that all the properties given to a particular system (biological, chemical, social, economic, mental, etc.) cannot be explained by its component parts alone. In the subject of health, the human body as a whole is the entity in question. The concept being that taking care of the whole body and mind is important to achieve complete health and not just focus on the one part that may be ill. The goal is a wellness that encompasses the whole person and not just the absence of disease.

It should not be confused that holistic health is not a way of treatment but an understanding on how treatment should be applied. For example, in modern scientific medicine a patient is involved passively. The doctor does all the diagnosis and prescribes a treatment that may involve a prescription or surgery. The Holistic approach would involve the patient and holdss that attitudes affect the present condition. They believe they are treating the whole person.

The theory of holistic healing has existed outside mainstream academic circles for ages. Just recently the modern world of healthcare practices has integrated holistic medicine into their forms of healing. This way of thinking may perhaps bridge the gap to find a balance in both theories of healing.

Types Of Holistic Healing

The list of holistic healing therapies is quite extensive, but a few available may include:

• Aromatherapy – The use of herbs and essential oils to bring a sense of calmness to the body and mind. For example, the use of lavender will bring a sense of relaxation to the mind which will induce a peaceful night’s sleep
• Natural diet – This easy concept is that you only eat what Mother Nature provides. Decreasing the amount of humanly altered food will maintain purity throughout your body. This would include organically grown vegetables and fruits, beef that is grass fed and not pumped with growth hormones, whole wheat instead of processed flour; essentially anything that has not been changed from its original form.
• Exercise – Exercise the body and you will exercise your mind. The benefits of exercise are so extensive that it truly reaches your whole body. Not only do you keep your body fit and trim, which will lower your risk of heart attack and other diseases, but you will de-stress your mind. Exercise lowers your stress levels which will allow your body to work at peak perfection.
• Counseling – If one has a major emotional problem or just everyday stress of living, they could benefit greatly from counseling. Cleaning out the emotional closet will allow the brain’s ability to function clearly. Bottled up emotions will cause the body to react in physical ways. Emotional stress puts stress on the body that could result in sickness or disease.
• Herbal Remedies – This can be compared to the natural diet form of holistic therapy. This is the use of herbs and plant life to heal ailments or just maintain everyday wellness. Herbs can be ingested through diet, a supplement, teas, or used topically.

This is just a short list of promising holistic alternative healing therapies. There are many more to discover, educate yourself about, and try. Some of these do work in conjunction with scientifically-based medicine but a patient should discuss approaches with a well trained holistic health professional for maximum results.

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