Knowhow-Now Article

Reducing Your Stress Level When Traveling By Air

Air travel is a necessary evil for many. It is the fastest way to get from one destination to another, and offers many flight alternatives to fit a busy traveler's needs. While convenient in some ways, air travel is also stressful for most of the traveling public. With enhanced security measures, long lines at airports around the world and a greater number of airlines overbooking their flights, what should be a pleasant traveling experience can quickly turn sour. Here are some tips that can help you minimize your stress and increase your enjoyment when traveling by air.

Tip: Don't wait until you're on an actual cruise to figure out if you will get seasick. Not knowing can put a huge damper on your plans.

Reducing your flying stress level starts during the booking process. Whenever possible, try to book a nonstop flight. If you can get on one plane and stay on that flight until you reach your ultimate destination, you eliminate the possibility of missing a connection or getting bumped off a flight in a city you are not familiar with. While direct flights do sometimes cost more than those with connections, the reduction in stress is almost always worth that extra cost.

Tip: When traveling internationally, make sure you have all of the required visas, especially if your travel includes stops at other countries. Make sure you have the right kind of visa for your needs.

Another tip to reduce your stress that takes place during the booking process has to do with how you list your name on your plane ticket and itinerary. Always make sure to use your full, legal name as it appears on your state issued identification. If you use any sort of nickname or do not include full details like the correct spelling of your last name or full middle name, if listed on your identification, you might face delays at check-in. These delays have to do with the heightened security measures that airlines are required to participate in. They can result in stressful situations for you, up to and including getting bumped off your flight. Avoid this problem by using your legal name every time you fly.

Tip: Workout at the gym prior to your flight. A long flight can be extremely boring.

If you will be checking baggage during your trip, make sure to weigh it ahead of time. Most airlines have strict rules regarding how many pounds a bag can weigh. If yours weighs more, the airlines will often charge you extra baggage fees that can increase both your out of pocket costs and your stress level. Better to avoid surprises by checking things out ahead of time.

Tip: Always seek a room on the higher floors of a hotel or resort. It may sound deceptively simple, but if you are on the ground floor, potential thieves will have an easier time accessing your room.

Finally, always give yourself plenty of time at the airport. Parking at an airport can take up to an hour and getting to the airport also poses the possibility of delays due to traffic or long lines getting into the parking lots. To help yourself avoid a missed flight, plan to be at your gate at least one hour before departure, two hours prior if you are flying international. Make sure to plan for an adequate amount of time to get to the airport too. Doing this will give you time to relax at the airport, even if you happen to hit a long ticketing line or delays going through security. It can certainly decrease your stress and make your flight experience a more pleasant one.

Planning and preparation are key to making your air travel experience a less stressful one. Take the time to prepare in advance, and make sure to give yourself plenty of time anytime you need to be at the airport. Doing this will enable you to sit back and enjoy your flight each and every time.

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