Knowhow-Now Article

SMS Mobile Marketing: How To Make It Work

In this day and age just about everyone relies on text messaging as a form of communication. Lucky for you, this form of communication can also be used as a way to communicate with your customers and market your business. This form of marketing allows you a quick, easy and cost effective way to promote your business and communicate with your customers. If this is something you have been wanting to try, now is the time. Continue reading this helpful article and you can make SMS mobile marketing work for you.

First of all, you will need subscribers. While it can be just as easy as asking current customers for their cell phone numbers, you may have to work a little harder to get enough numbers to make this campaign worthwhile. A lot of people can be bribed to give you their numbers. Try offering a special offer like a half-off coupon, free shipping, a free sample or anything else you feel would entice your customers to sign up for your marketing campaign.

Tip: One of the key factors to successful mobile marketing advertising and messaging is to keep your messages and ads short, to the point, and urgent. The devices are possibly smaller, so you have less room to work with in composing your ad.

Once you have subscribers, it is time to start planning and sending out messages. The planning part is important. You do not want to sit down and start sending out random text messages. It is important that any message you send out is of use to your subscribers. Another thing you need to think about before sending out any messages is what type of platform your messages will be viewable on. You should make your messages so everyone that receives them will be able to view them. There are many different platforms today, with the different cell phone companies and manufacturers. You should do what you can to make sure your messages are viewable by everyone. You also need to take into consideration the size of the text that you will be sending out. Some people have unlimited data plans and some have data plans that only allow them to send out and receive a certain amount of data each month. You want your messages to be meaningful, but you also do not want them to be too large.

So, you have your subscribers, your message is planned and formatted so everyone can see it, now what? Now it is time to send your message. When you send it is just about as important as what is in it. If you are planning a message about a sale in a couple weeks, you probably do not want to send the message too early or your subscribers may forget about the sale. Did you get in a new shipment of merchandise? Do not send out a text at midnight. This may get ignored, or irritate your subscribers. Time your messages so that they make sense. If you are not sure when to send them out, ask your customers what they think. You can do a simple poll via text messaging, too.

Using text messaging as a way to promote your business and communicate with your customers is a great way to grow your business. Try the tips shared in this article and you can have a very successful SMS mobile marketing campaign.

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