Knowhow-Now Article

Should You Develop A Mobile Marketing Strategy?

You have probably heard about mobile marketing, but is it the right solution for your business? Read these tips before you decide whether or not to get started with mobile marketing

Do some research about your target audience and find out what kind of mobile phones your customers own. Are they likely to purchase the latest devices and subscribe to plans including unlimited Internet? Do they own Smartphones, I-Phones or tablets? Ask your customers to answer to surveys about their mobile phones, how they use them and how likely they would be to use their phones to follow your marketing campaign. If you sell products to a diverse audience and cannot recognize any trends with mobile phone usage, consider giving mobile marketing a try but do not make it a priority.

Tip: Focus on relevance and timeliness when planning your mobile marketing campaign. Messages received in this format should be brief bursts of information that can be immediately applied.

Mobile marketing works better for certain products or services than others. Ideally, you should be able to offer interesting discounts regularly, get a good number of repeat customers and provide your audience with quality information and tips about your industry on a regular basis. If you sell expensive products that people are likely to purchase only once, develop a mobile marketing campaign that is based on smaller accessories, refills and upgrades. If you find it difficult to come up with fresh content related to your industry or cannot afford to mark down prices regularly, you will quickly run out of content to share via your mobile marketing campaign.

Mobile marketing is not limited to text alerts. Now that it is more common for people to access the Internet with their mobile phones, business owners are using mobile website to share information about their products and allow their customers to download apps they can use on their Smartphones or tablets. It is also common to connect social networking and mobile marketing since a lot of people use their phones to check social networks. Consider all these different strategies and develop a campaign that is relevant to your audience. If you are not sure what your audience would respond well to, try developing different strategies and keep track of your results so you can make a few changes to your campaign.

Tip: Conduct SEO on your mobile platform. Concentrate on Google first because that is the search engine that is used to perform the majority of mobile searches.

Find a way to be more original than your competitors. If your customers are already subscribing to text alerts from a similar company, they are probably not going to subscribe to yours. You need to find out more about your competitors' campaigns and be more creative. Share better discounts, send text alerts that are more relevant to your customers' interests and get people interested in your mobile marketing campaign by using your other existing marketing campaigns, such as your blog or your social networking profiles. Organize contests around your new mobile marketing strategies and offer competitive discounts to the people who join this campaign.

Do you think your audience would respond well to a mobile marketing campaign? Put together a solid plan for your new campaign, do some research about mass texting software, mobile sites and apps and get started.

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