Knowhow-Now Article

Some Quick Tips For Traveling With Your Dog

Taking a road trip is a great way to spend some free time and get away from the stresses of daily life, but you always have to consider what you are going to do with your dog when leaving on a trip. You could take your dog to the kennel and have them boarded at a strange place while you are gone, or you can make the choice to take them with you. Taking your dog on a trip requires the same type of careful planning as traveling with a child. If you decide to take your pooch along, make sure that your dog is happy for the ride.

Tip: Sometimes the best vacation locations are right around the corner. You can find a lot of great trips in your specific state or one adjoining it.

Before you get your dog in the car, take the time to give them a bath and brush them before heading out. This will reduce the amount of hair that is flying around in the car and make your trip more enjoyable. Not only will your dog smell good, but your car will be cleaner with a freshly bathed dog.

Tip: Planning ahead is important when traveling by air. Most airports are close to major urban areas, making them difficult to get to at busy times of day, like rush hour.

Remember to pack a bag with some doggie essentials for the trip on the road. A bowl with some water, dog treats, paper towels, medicine and poop bags are all things you are going to need while on the road. You do not want to get a ticket at a rest stop because you forgot to bring something to pick up your dog's waste. If your dog has a favorite blanket or toy, bring them as well. Some animals can become stressed when they are away from home. Having a familiar blanket, bed or toy with them will reduce their stress.

Tip: Make a list of things you need to pack. As soon as you know you'll be traveling, start a list of everything you will need to pack.

For the most part you should not bother packing food for your dog. Unless your dog is on a special diet, you can usually pick up some food once you reach your destination. Packing food will just take up room in the car and is really not necessary.

Tip: Check the expiration dates on your passports. Different countries have different passport regulations.

Take a look at the route you are going to be driving prior to heading out. Make notes of places to stop along the way for your dog to take a break and stretch its legs. You could just plan on stopping at the rest stops on the interstate or you could find some interesting stops along the way. Look for parks and historical sites where you can enjoy yourself as much as your dog. Try to space out your stops no more than two hours apart. Your dog may sleep during the drive, but have them planned out anyway, even if you do not stop.

Tip: Make sure to research the current status of social and political events and occurrences in the foreign country you'll be visiting. The travel.

Remember to be safe with your dog in the car. Although you may enjoy driving with your dog in the front seat, this is a dangerous place for your dog. Airbags can kill your pet if you are in an accident. Keep the dog in the back seat where they are safest.

Taking a road trip with your dog is a lot of fun. They will provide you with some company for a trip and they usually enjoy getting out of the house and exploring new places. Use these tips to make your road trip with your dog an enjoyable experience.

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