Knowhow-Now Article

Staying Safe While On Your Vacation Cruise

Cruise ships are an excellent way to enjoy a luxury vacation. You get to see different parts of the world, and your food and entertainment is all provided for you. You have the opportunity to have an excellent experience with relatively little planning. However, you should keep a few things in mind about your safety while you are on board.

Tip: When packing for a journey, consider choosing dark clothing, particularly for pants and dresses. Dark clothing tends to conceal dirt and wrinkles, both of which are a normal part of extended travel outside of your home environment.

The first thing to do is to be aware of the emergency plan that is already in place on the boat. Ask a staff member about where you should go in an emergency. They should be able to tell you where to find life jackets as well as where the lifeboats are located and how to use them. It is very unlikely that you will need to put this information into practice, but if there is an emergency, you will be very glad you took the time to learn about the emergency plan.

Tip: Always go out of your way to tip any bell station and housekeeper appropriately. Standard tips are generally $1 for each piece of luggage, and $2-$5 for the housekeeper each day of your stay.

While on a cruise, you have a unique time constraint on the amount of time you spend in each place. It is important to be aware of your travel schedule and keep track of time carefully while on shore. Leave the boat with the other travelers, while there are crew members to assist you. Then stay within an easy distance of the boat, or if you have quite a bit of time, be very conservative in your travel plans. Leave a lot of extra time to make it back to the boat. You would not want to be left behind with no luggage, possibly no papers, and no plan.

Tip: Contact lens cases are a great thing to take whenever you go on vacation. You can keep just a small bit of hair gel or lotion inside to last through the trip.

A very simple way to improve your safety on board is to keep your cabin door locked. You may be staying in rooms next to family or you may end up partying with your neighbors, but it is impossible to know who will have access to your room if you leave your door open.

Tip: When traveling, make sure all your contact information, including your name, address and phone number are visible in your luggage. Even if the luggage is lost and the tags are detached, you still may be able to find it.

While on board, the atmosphere might make your vacation feel like one continuous party. However, it is important to be safe and not to drink too much. Not only could you make yourself feel sick from access alcohol or miss many of the details of your trip, but accidents are much more likely to happen while you are drunk. When you do drink, make sure you have something to eat first, keep the number of drinks to a minimum, and stay well away from the sides of the boat if you are feeling out of sorts. Also be careful on stairs, especially if the waters are choppy.

Cruise vacations are becoming more and more popular, and it is easy to understand why. Instead of paying for expensive travel fare and hotels while going from place to place, you can settle into your room on board, and have all your food provided as you go through the fresh ocean air, visiting many different locations. Hopefully the above tips can help you enjoy your trip even more fully, knowing that you have your own safety in mind.

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