Knowhow-Now Article

Taking The Plane With Children

Are you planning on flying to your vacation destination? Taking the plane with small children can be a challenging experience. Keep reading to learn more about the different things you can do to make this experience more pleasant.

Tip: When traveling in strange cities, be alert for criminals posing as police officers or other government officials. Never hand over your original passport, as you might not get it back.

Book your tickets well ahead of time so you can choose your seats. Avoid seats located near exits since children under sixteen are not allowed to sit there. Booking your seats in advance is the best way to make sure you will be sitting next to your children during the flight. Let the airline know if you need special accommodations such as booster seats or strollers to take your children from one side of the airport to the next.

Tip: Do not forget a case for your contact lenses when you travel. These can serve as compact and light weight containers for liquids like moisturizers.

Help your children pack a small bag they can take on the plane. Check the airline's website to find out more about the kind of bags you can bring on the plane. Do not hesitate to invest in a new luggage set so you have some luggage that corresponds to the required measurements. Choose some items your children can bring on the plane to stay busy during the trip. If you are going to fly for long hours, do not hesitate to purchase some new toys or coloring books to keep your children busy.

Tip: A hotel is your home away from home while traveling; it is important, however, to remember that you are not alone while staying there. When in your hotel room, be considerate of guests next-door and do not make tons of loud noise or slam your doors.

Pack some snacks and some water for your children. You might not be able to bring bottled water on the plane but it is best to have some water in case your children get thirsty while waiting in line. Snacks are a good way to satisfy your children if they get hungry while waiting for the plane or do not like the food offered during the flight. If possible, respect the schedule your children are used to by stopping for food or giving them snacks when they are used to eat.

Tip: Planning ahead is the number one rule of flying. It can be difficult navigating traffic in big cities, where many airports are located.

Talk to your children about the airport and your trip. Your children will behave if they know what to expect. Let them know you expect them to stay close to you at all times, do what you say and behave while you wait in line. If possible, go to the airport early so you can avoid long lines and watch a few planes take off. Your children will probably enjoy watching the planes and not be afraid when the time comes to go on board.

Tip: All of your children should carry identification on them when you travel. Children should have change for payphones on their person at all times.

Do your best to keep your children busy and make sure they are comfortable during the flight. Most airlines show movies during long flights but it is best to plan a few activities for your children. Talk to your children during the flight, play with them and encourage them to stay quiet. If you are going on a long trip, book a flight late a night so your children can sleep throughout the entire flight.

These tips will help you make your trip more pleasant and keep your children under control during your visit at the airport. Adapt these tips in function of the age of your children and take the time to talk about the trip with them.

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