Knowhow-Now Article

The Benefits Of Solar Energy: What You Need To Know

You may be hearing a lot about solar energy these days. It's very popular, but using the sun as a source of energy has been around for hundreds of years. Here are some ways to use the sun to benefit your life in a number of ways. You'll be surprised to learn how easy it is!

Don't waste your time lining the solar panels beneath an array of florescent lights--though it may sound tempting. Solar cells are not designed to generate a voltage from fluorescent light sources and this is a waste of energy of time. Any spot in the yard would be a better location for the panels.

Tip: Try to maximize the sun exposure with the alignment of your panels. When scouting a location for your solar panels, consider the sun's path as well as how the season affects the sun's light.

You might have been putting off a solar energy system because you are concerned that you will not have enough sunlight. Many solar energy systems can coexist with your current system to give you that extra energy. This can be helpful in places like Washington that get a lot of rain throughout the year.

The way others have felt about a solar panel company is important to find out. Ask for references, look online for any reviews and talk to others who have purchased solar panels. If you cannot verify these conditions, seek out a different solar installer.

Tip: Avoid pushy salesmen. Unfortunately, you'll run across quite a few of these in the solar panel business.

Utilize solar energy in more ways than one by installing new attic fans that are powered by solar panels facing the outwards. New buildings are no longer built with standard, electrical fans in the attic and older buildings would benefit from the upgrade. It helps keep the rest of the house cool and saves money in the long run: a perfect addition to your existing solar system.

Write down the typical power consumed by your household on a daily basis and average this over a week's period of time. Use this number, with small adjustments for "worst case scenarios", to determine the size of your new solar panels. Always go with a slightly larger build instead of multiple, smaller panels if possible.

Tip: You could get a tax credit if you switch to solar power. They could offer as much as 30% of the system's cost.

If you are building a vacation, rental or retirement home in a rural area, solar power can make a lot of sense. It can spare you the cost of a power line being routed to your home. At the very least it can give you some power in the case of local grid outages, as rural areas have power restored far more slowly than what you might be used to in a city.

Contact different vendors and ask for quotes before you invest in a solar energy system. If possible, get quotes for different types of panels or mounts and compare the efficiency of each system to figure out which one corresponds to your needs and budget. Stay away from vendors who offer extremely low quotes or do not give you details on how they calculate the quote.

Tip: After installing solar panels, make it a point to monitor the inverter. You want to always see a perfectly solid green light.

When you are looking for a solar energy system, try to keep clear of salespeople who use pressure tactics. Ask for the manager if you feel intimidated. The best solar energy firms make it a habit not to apply pressure to potential customers. If you have spoken to the manager and are still feeling pressure, go with another company altogether.

Before making a final decision on solar energy equipment, find out what sort of incentives are offered in your area for using alternative energy sources. You should contact your local authorities and ask them if there is a rebate or some sort of other incentive for using solar energy sources.

Tip: Solar energy isn't a failing proposition just because some popular companies have failed. Solar energy can save you a lot of money.

Do you have a pool? You could save a lot by investing in solar panels. There are small solar energy systems designed to power a water heater or a water pump and since you only use your pool during the warmer months, your panels will work perfectly when you need them.

Solar energy is known as a renewable energy resource, and because of this, it has many wonderful benefits. The biggest benefit is that there is very little pollution made when they are created, and there is none created when they are put to use. If you want to help the environment, solar energy is the right choice for you.

Tip: Once you have your solar installation in place, be sure to monitor it. Make sure you use your manual to help you learn how your solar panels function.

Before you purchase a solar panel system, understand that it will take at least 10 to 12 years for the system to pay for itself. If you want a system that will pay for itself in a shorter time frame, consider purchasing a solar water heating system. These will typically pay for themselves in about 4 years.

If you want to take advantage of government rebates, be sure to purchase the correct solar panels. Most rebate and incentive programs for solar energy have requirements for specific solar panel certifications. These certifications ensure the panels have been tested and proven to work efficiently. Make sure your panels meet the guidelines before you commit to a purchase.

Using solar energy is both easy and cheap. When you make the choice to really use solar energy, you will be delighted to see how easily you can start doing it. Use the tips laid out here, and you'll soon be able to feel better about saving the environment and using solar energy.

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