Knowhow-Now Article

The Benefits Of Yoga For Men

“Yoga is for women only”, “Men who take yoga are those who are not into manly sports”, “I would be the only guy in there”, or “What can yoga do for a big guy like me?”

These statements and questions are very common but they are all untrue. Yoga can benefit everyone of every build and lifestyle. There are certain positions that can work together with other muscle groups to provide optimum flexibility and strength.

To Start With

Yoga is not only a practice but also a lifestyle in its native Indian culture. There are many levels that are practiced both physically and mentally, some that strive even for immortality. The Western culture has taken certain aspects of yoga and developed practices that are more on the physical level. The physical benefits may include:

• Increase in flexibility – yoga positions engage the various joints of the body, including those that are not engaged in regular exercise and strength training routines. However, full mobility and range of motion relies on the engagement of all of these. In addition, yoga increases lubrication of these joints and the supporting ligaments and tendons. This natural lubrication helps to prevent injury. Moreover these flexibility benefits are immediately enjoyed; the joints and parts of the body that are worked during regular exercise help those during the practice of yoga. Essentially each practice works in tandem to achieve the greatest level of flexibility.
• Massage and stimulation of bodily organs – It may sound strange but the organs of the body do benefit from internal massage, much in the way that the muscles of the body benefit from external massage. While most people think that the organs are simply there to perform their duty and do not need any outside manipulation, yoga does improve organ health and function by massaging all the organs internally; this aides in the fight against disease and also helps forewarn of disease.
• Awareness – Yoga taps into a level of awareness that is not known by the average person. Yoga gives the practitioner a new level of understanding of their whole body. This allows them to become a true advocate for themselves and know better (and sooner) if something is wrong.
• Complete Detoxification – Massage, stimulation, and stretching of muscles, joints, and organs results in a significant increase in circulation and blood supply. This allows the body to flush out toxins that accumulate in the body (from foods, medications, and other environmental pollutants both organic and chemical). This prevents such problems as premature aging, lack of energy, and disease while helping to realize a new-found zest for life.
• Toning – Yoga is an excellent source of toning for all muscle groups. Yoga stimulates muscles to tone and rebuild and strengthen.

What Else Can It Offer?

Yoga has the ability to help anyone (men in this case) build strength and flexibility. Even for the guy who plays other sports there are certain yoga poses that will help reduce muscle imbalance. Certain sports use some muscles more then others. Yoga can help the ignored muscles build strong to correct the imbalance. The tightness and pain from the imbalance will go away if yoga is practiced on a daily basis.

The versatility of yoga is another benefit for men. There is no special equipment that one has to buy to practice yoga; you can practice in unusual environments, and it is easy to practice. Since yoga involves the whole body then men will feel great all over, every day. In addition yoga practices aide and assist with other physical activities and cardio workouts.

Not Only Physical Benefits

Many men concentrate solely on their physical being and ignore the mental. However, the mind and body work together and yoga will help tap into that awareness. Some of the mental benefits may include:

• Alertness – Yoga increases the body’s awareness. If we are intoned with our body then we will be able to tell if something is not right.
• Relief – This practice helps release stress patterns and muscle strain, which will help refresh the body.
• Relaxation – Yoga helps relax the mind and body which will, in turn, sharpen concentration.

How Does One Start?

You now have a better understanding of what yoga encompasses. You have decided that it is not just for women or older people and that it can truly add to your workout. Where does a guy sign up? Well, if you are a member at a gym, then this is a great place to start. Many facilities have classes available or if they do not have men’s only then raise enough interest and have them start one.

It is best to do your research before adding an aspect of therapy to your lifestyle. No matter your physical capabilities it is a good idea to contact your physician or trainer and discuss your newfound desire to add yoga to your life.

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