Knowhow-Now Article

Tips For Your Traveling Teens

As teens get older, many want to travel on their own. The thought of letting your teen travel alone may be scary, but it can be done safely. Here are some tips that you and your teen can use when they travel.

Tip: Purchasing tickets online and printing them at home can be a real time saver, so look into this option if you are planning on seeing a specific attraction or amusement park. There is a small fee associated with purchasing tickets online; however, the time saved at the ticket booth will make it worth the cost.

Many teens who want to travel have never traveled alone. The majority of them have traveled with a parent or some other kind of chaperone. Due to this, it may be a little difficult for teens and parents to adjust to traveling alone. The key to overcoming this is to build a level of comfort for the teen and parent. The parent must be able to let go and trust that their teenage child will be able to make the right decisions while on their own. At the same time, the teen must realize that they are on their own and must act and think responsibly.

Tip: If you decide on bringing along a pet on your trip, call ahead to see what hotels accept pets and what their fees are. Check many different places before deciding on where to book your stay, this way you can be sure the needs of your pet are taken care of, as well as your own.

Anything can happen while traveling and in some cases, a teen may need to ask someone for help. Teens have to get comfortable with the idea of communicating with others who are not related to them and not the same age as them. Not all people the teen may encounter will be trustworthy, so the teen must use their best judgment. If anything appears wrong or out of place, the teen should avoid talking to that person. If teens need help and can't find anyone to talk to, they can easily call the police for assistance.

Tip: Sign up for the e-newsletters of all the major airlines. These emails will give you special deals and information regarding the travel they offer.

While traveling, your teen may need to buy something. Perhaps they have become hungry and need some food, or maybe there is an emergency situation and they need medical supplies. Knowing how to purchase items is essential for any traveler, including teens. Your teen should be knowledgeable of how to make purchases using paper and coin currency, as well as using credit, debit, and gift cards. The teen should also know how withdraw money from an ATM and how to request a transfer of funds if needed.

Tip: Find out where the airline has automatically seated you. If you are unhappy with the placement ask to be re-seated.

In order to get to some destinations, your teen may need to use the airport to get on a plane. An airport can be a difficult place to navigate, especially for a teen who has never been there before. Familiarize your teen with the layout of the airports it plans to visit. Show them the locations of loading gates relevant to their flight, as well as show them how to use the reader boards. Reader boards feature all information on incoming and outgoing flights, including departure and arrival times, destinations, and delay information. Being able to read this information can prevent your teen from catching the wrong flight.

Tip: Be wary of travel-deal emails. It is important to only open emails from travel companies with whom you know you have been asked to be added to their mailing list.

Emergencies can happen while traveling, and your teen needs to know who to call when something goes wrong. Naturally they should know their home telephone number and address so they can contact you. They should also know how to contact the police. If you have access to AAA, give them a AAA card that they can use if they are stranded on the road and need a tow.

You can feel comfortable about your teen traveling alone when you use these tips.

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