Knowhow-Now Article

Top Five Mobile Marketing Mistakes

Mobile marketing is a great way to stay in touch with your customers. If you use this medium, you should read this article to learn more about the top five mistakes.

Is your campaign adapted to your audience? You should not develop apps or create a mobile website unless you have concrete data on your customers and the mobile phones they own. You should consider using apps or a mobile site once you know that a good percentage of your customers own mobile phones that support apps and allow them to go online. If you find that most of your customers do not own Smartphones, tablets or I-Phones or do not use their phones to go online, you should limit yourself to sending text alerts.

Tip: Know your hours. You do not want to be messaging customers while they are sleeping or having dinner.

If you use text alerts, do not text your customers too often or at hours where they are likely to be sleeping. Send out one text alert a week and take the time to think about your message. Your text alerts should be considered as valuable and useful to your customers: sending out coupon codes is usually the best thing to do. Pay attention to the area code of the phone numbers you are sending your text alerts to: organize these phone numbers in different groups so you can text these customers at a time where they are not sleeping.

Is your mobile website easy to load? Before you launch your mobile site, you should take the time to test it and make sure it loads properly with different devices and browsers. You might have a few things to fix so that all your customers can access your mobile site easily. You can make your mobile site easier to access by using a very simple design and limiting the content of your pages.

Tip: Be sure to lay claim to your business in each social network's location pages. In mobile marketing, it's all about location, location, location.

Apps are usually popular among your customers, but you have to make your apps easily accessible to your customers. You could allow people to download your apps from your mobile website, text links to these downloads or share these links on social networks since a lot of people use their phones to visit social networks. Present your app in detail and do not charge your customers for it. More people will download your app if it is free and if you present it in a positive way.

Your mobile marketing campaign should be directly connected to your other marketing campaigns. Be consistent in your messages, sales pitch and the discounts you offer. You can also use your other marketing campaign to get more people to sign up for your text alerts or let your customers know about your mobile website and your app. You could place a registration form on your site or blog and share a link to this form in your newsletter and by updating your social networks.

These tips should help you improve your current mobile marketing campaign and reach out to more customers. Keep track of your results and do not hesitate to try new things with mobile marketing or other methods.

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