Knowhow-Now Article

Top Notch Tips To Maximize Your SMS Mobile Marketing

SMS marketing, or text message marketing as it is commonly thought of, is one of the most compelling and yet most controversial mobile marketing methods used today. You get almost instantaneous access to your target audience but through a mechanism that is most commonly used for personal communication. It can be highly effective or highly annoying and brand eroding. It depends on how you use it. Follow the tips below to make sure your efforts are as effective as they can be.

Keep your messaging personable. SMS messaging is off the cuff and of the moment for most of its users. If someone receives a marketing message that is a hard sale, official sounding or simply mechanical in its tone, then that message will more than likely be deleted the minute it is received. Find a personable messaging style for your brand that fits the SMS medium. It will help make sure your message is read.

Tip: A key tip for mobile marketing campaigns is to restrict the quantity of offers transmitted to your list. Distributing offers too frequently dilutes the sense of urgency you might otherwise be able to create in the minds of subscribers.

Anchor your SMS marketing with exclusive discounts or offers. Cutting to the chase: brand marketing and SMS tactics don't mix very well. If you are simply touting your brand without a call to action in your text message, the receivers of it will get annoyed pretty quickly. The better choice for SMS is direct response marketing. Offer something exclusive to your target audience that they'd only receive via your SMS messages. This could be an exclusive sale, a pop-up shop opportunity, a special discount code, or a time sensitive invitation through which an action is necessary. These direct response tactics help make your SMS target audience feel special; it also helps curb the annoyance factor of the immediacy of the text as it pops up on the mobile device.

Take advantage of current events. Because of the immediacy of SMS marketing, current events make an excellent messaging tactic to build context. Is there a holiday on the horizon? Offer a special discount related to it. Is there headline-making news related to your product or service? Tie it in to your offer. This can greatly increase your response rates.

Tip: O

Keep your messaging short and focused. You've read some excellent tips above on messaging, but with all of them you must find a way to make your text message as short as you can while keeping your point focused. If your message feels like it rambles or it doesn't make sense, then you'll lose the interest of your target audience. Make it a habit to write out a draft of your text message before sending it. Take a break from it and return to it with fresh eyes. You may find a way to shorten or rephrase the message for greater impact.

SMS marketing can be a real game changer for your business. It is an exceptional strategy for building direct response traffic, and its immediacy can help you make a difference when time is of the essence. Try out the tips discussed here to get started, and search the Internet for more. There are lots of strategies out there for SMS marketing that can make a difference for your business.

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