Knowhow-Now Article

Traveling Safely When Children Are Part Of Your Group

Air travel with young children adds an extra layer of responsibility to the mix for any adult. Young children are difficult to entertain, require a constant watch and require a few extra safety measures to be considered. Here are some tips to help you enjoy a safe travel experience the next time young ones are a part of your trip.

Tip: If you wear corrective lenses, pack an extra pair of eyeglasses when traveling. This way you will have a spare, should your main pair be accidentally damaged or lost.

The first step to traveling safely with children is to plan ahead. Make sure you have the proper gear you need to travel with your little ones including safety gear, enough formula, breast milk or baby food if appropriate, toys to keep your child occupied and simple necessities like a change of clothes and extra blanket. Keeping your child comfortable and safe involves packing these things in advance and checking your list to make sure you have everything before you board your plane.

Tip: IF you are in a foreign city, make sure that you are not dealing with people posing as police or other officials. Show officials your passport, but do not give it to them.

One of the items on your advance packing list should be the proper restraint for your child. While infants under a year of age are allowed to sit on their parents' laps, it is safer and more convenient to consider bringing a car seat or airline approved booster. Make sure to check your seat in advance to see that it says airline approved, and call your airline if you have any questions. This seat can help to protect your child in the event of turbulence, and it will help to keep your child comfortably in her seat for the duration of the flight.

Tip: There is no need to travel far when you want to experience a wonderful day trip or a weekend trip. There's always something nearby that you can do to have a blast.

In addition to having your child restrained properly, make sure you are prepared for even the smallest of emergencies. If your child has a medical condition, make sure to have a supply of the medications she needs in your carry on bag. Remember that checked bags can become delayed or get lost, so you want to make sure you have enough medication on your person to get your child through, if an emergency occurs on the plane and for a short while at your destination until you can reach a drug store. In addition, make sure to pack simple essentials like a change of clothes in case of a spill, vomiting or toilet accidents. Also, make sure to have plenty of diapers on hand in case your flight is delayed or your checked baggage is lost. By preparing for such emergencies, you can make your trip more comfortable and ensure the safety of your child.

Tip: The shoes you wear when you go flying should be comfortable, lightweight, and easy to take off and put on. This makes security checks easier since you can easily slip them off.

Finally, do what you can to make sure your child behaves. A very noisy child is distracting to other passengers, and she can disrupt the crew as well. A child that will not sit in her seat makes for a less comfortable flight for everyone, and it puts the child in danger if there is turbulence, and during both take off and landing. Keep your child distracted with toys, games and books. Express to older children the importance of staying seated. Also, set the good example by staying in your own seat unless it is absolutely necessary to get up.

Traveling with children adds an extra layer of stress for any passenger, but it can be made easier by following some simple advice. Take the time to prepare ahead of time for your next trip, and you and your family are sure to experience a safer, more comfortable flight.

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