Knowhow-Now Article

Treating Your Mobile Customers The Right Way

People who excel at mobile marketing do so because they're catering directly to their customers in an easy, friendly manner. If you expect to promote your business through these means, you have to understand that it takes a lot of discipline, knowledge and a willingness to bend to market forces in order to be successful. You can start out your mobile marketing campaign by using some great tips designed to help your business grow.

When your customers shop with you, they actually expect a lot more from you than the initial products. Any customer who shops with you regularly is expecting some type of discount or promotion. Every business out there offering products or services will have different sales and promotions. So with your mobile marketing in mind, leave SMS messages about different deals and promotions your customers can take advantage of.

Tip: Do not use text abbreviations in your mobile marketing message. While it is acceptable for person to person communication, it looks unprofessional coming from a business.

You have to treat your customers just as you would expect to be treated. To understand this, imagine if you gave your mobile phone number to some company, only to find that they sold it off to someone else, who then pawned it off on someone else. Where is the privacy there? It's up to you to treat your customers right by respecting their privacy.

Site security should be one of your primary issues when working with a mobile market. There are a lot of hackers out there just waiting to get into your site to steal not only your important information but also the information of your clients. So by ensuring your site is secure, you prevent that and can also offer your customers peace of mind.

Tip: Always try to keep your mobile messages succinct. People on the move need messages that cut to the point quickly and decisively.

The mobile market is different from any other type of market out there. Because of the way mobile devices are set-up and because of the unique way they operate, they do not view web information the same way a normal PC user would view it. Different mobile devices also display the content in a different manner, so you have to make sure that you're catering to the devices your customers are using.

If your site is undergoing any type of upgrades, or if your security has been compromised or anything else that may effect sales and overall functionality, you have to send your customers a message to let them know. If they show up to shop on your site and find out by surprise that it's not working correctly, the end result may be a lot of lost customers. But if you message them to let them know, they will understand.

Tip: Start using tools such as AdMob or Mobilytics: these tools allow you to track how many people opened your messages and connected to your website. There are many other tools you can use.

Let's say that your newest customer's name is Tiffany and she has just opted into your mobile program. When you send her a message, you should refer to her as Tiffany. How long does it actually take to personalize that little message to welcome her or to tell her about different deals and promotions? Spend the extra few seconds necessary to come across as a personal businessperson.

Mobile marketing doesn't have to be stressful. Just remember that following the tips you have read above can help you succeed in any type of market.

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