Knowhow-Now Article

Understanding Hair Loss

Many people, of both sexes and every age, experience hair loss. Like many appearance-changing occasions, hair loss can be a negative experience in the lives of those who have it, causing depression, lowering of self-worth, or loss of confidence. If you are just beginning your battle with hair loss, you probably have many questions. In this article, those questions, and their answers, will be discussed-- so you may have a more peaceful experience with your hair loss.

Tip: Honey, cinnamon and olive oil can help with hair loss. Mix these ingredients into a paste.

"Why am I losing my hair?" Is one of the first and most common question people experiencing hair loss have. The answer is often genetic. Though old wive's tales talk about hair loss running on one side of the family, the truth is that hair loss can occur in any generation of a family, regardless of which grandparents--paternal or maternal-- have or do not have hair loss. Hair loss can also be caused as a side-effect of many medications. If you are on a variety of medications, consult with your healthcare provider to see which, if any (or a combination of several) of you medicines is causing your hair loss.

Tip: Make sure the shampoo you use is appropriate for your hair type. If you do not know your hair type, consult with your hair stylist, and they can tell you if your hair is normal, oily, or dry.

Another question that comes up frequently among hair loss patients is "Will I lose all of my hair?" This answer will depend largely on genetics. Though some men will only experience male-pattern baldness with a slightly receded hair line, others will go completely bald. Some women experience balding in the back of their heads, or balding across the entire scalp. If your hair loss is genetic, looking at pictures of family members will often give an indication of how severe the balding will be.

Tip: Hair loss occurs to people of many different demographics, so even if you're young, you should not feel embarrassed by your condition. Males sometimes see hair loss start in their college years, and in more advanced cases before that.

"Is it possible to regrow hair?" is a commonly-occurring question among hair loss patients. For some patients, like those who lose their hair as a result of chemotherapy or other medications, the regrowth of hair is almost eminent. For those with other types of hair loss, regrowth may have little chance. However, with modern medicine and products, hair loss can be slowed or slightly reversed.

Tip: Talk to a professional about symptoms and the treatment options available. Never start treatment for hair loss without consulting a professional.

There are several treatments available for hair recovery. A dermatologist or hair-loss specialist will likely be able to recommend a variety of treatments for patients in all stages of hair loss, for all the reasons it can occur.

Tip: Your hair should be as thick and full as possible before being cut. Cutting it whenever it gets a little long or frizzy can weaken it, so allow it to grow longer.

Making adaptations to your new look is crucial in maintaining a positive self-image and confidence. Consider seeking the help of a stylist, or a friend or relative with a sense of style. Browse pictures in books, magazines, or the internet to find individuals with unique and fashionable styles, while maintaining a less-than-full head of hair.

Tip: There are some hair care products that are not good to use if you're experiencing hair loss. Use your due diligence and find out which hair-care products are known to damage hair.

Consider finding a support group or other community that can help you through your hair loss, if you are struggling with self-image or a sense of identity without your hair.

Understanding the questions you have relating to hair loss, and their answers, is important in continuing on after losing your hair. By following the simple tips above, you, too, can continue to lead a full and happy life, without a full head of hair.

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