Knowhow-Now Article

Understanding How To Correctly Target The Mobile Market

You might think that mobile marketing is an easy thing to pull off, especially when you realize just how many people carry mobile devices. With smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices out there, you can be certain that there are millions of people accessing the internet at any given second across the globe. However, honing in on these individuals is something that's easier said than done unless you know the proper techniques.

One of the first things you're going to have to realize as a mobile marketer is that everything is exponentially different when dealing with the mobile market. Not only will you have to rearrange your content and adapt it for the mobile market, but you're also going to have to compile lists of mobile numbers as well as emails. A lot this has to do with the size of the different devices. Because of smaller screen sizes, the compact sites and other content viewed on these devices needs to be highly optimized.

Tip: Keep your mobile marketing messages short and sweet. Although many cell phone and smartphone users are signed up with plans that offer unlimited data transfers, not everyone has this luxury.

If there was one word to answer the question about why so many people use mobile devices, you would probably say it was for convenience. It's just quick, easy and convenient to check up on your social status while playing a game, all while texting with someone on a city bus somewhere. So when a mobile user views your materials, you have to construct them in such a way that it's very easy for the user to submit their contact info to you. Get their attention quickly; don't take up their time.

For most mobile users, what they carry in their pocket or in their bag is all they have in terms of computer-based equipment. This means that most mobile users aren't going to have any direct access to printing software. So when you're creating materials, make sure that they do not need to be printed out. A coupon, for example, should be something digital. Don't do like Kentucky Fried Chicken and actually make people print them out. That's why Popeye's is doing better today!

Tip: Stay away from caps lock, unless you are giving a call to action. Using caps lock at any other time during a message can come across as if you are yelling at someone, and no one likes to be yelled at.

For mobile marketing purposes, you also have to be very aware that most users are locked into plans that limit the data they're able to send and receive. This doesn't only include downloading materials. Even playing around on the internet is stealing bandwidth away from their plans. So unless you're keeping everything small and tidy, the odds are great that the mobile users will just ignore whatever it is you're offering.

When you're designing a mobile site or a mobile application for your users to navigate, take great care that you're actually making it easy for them to navigate through. With touch screens and odd scroll features that many don't like to play around with, your information and content should be very easy to navigate through if you want to keep your customers happy.

Above all when dealing with a mobile market, remember who it is you're marketing to. These people love to shop, but they also love to browse around the net a mile a minute. Capture their attentions and move in for the kill.

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