Knowhow-Now Article

Vacationing In Foreign Countries

Traveling to a different country for vacation is always exciting. You anticipate seeing new things, and tasting new foods. You anticipate seeing people who act and speak differently than you. You worry about how you will communicate and how your will fit in. Below are a few suggestions of how to alleviate your fears and allow you to enjoy trip.

Tip: If you will be flying leave the gift wrap home. The TSA may need to inspect your packages, which would necessitate unwrapping the gifts.

The very first rule of traveling abroad is carrying either a dictionary or a digital tool that will allow you to communicate in the language of the country. Even if you do not speak the language, you can point to key words in a dictionary in order to get your meaning across. Also, see if you can learn common fraises that you will need in asking for directions, ordering food, securing lodgings, etc.

Tip: Hit the gym before you board your flight. Long flights are hard on your body.

One of the most exciting parts of traveling abroad is learning about a new culture. You should begin to learn about the culture of the places you will be traveling before you go. This way, you can avoid offending locals by inadvertently doing something that is against their customs. Some cultures have rules regarding how men and women interact, or what manners of dress are appropriate. While you don't necessarily need to dress like a local, it is better not to show off too much skin in a country that is used to conservative dress. Also, it is important to know if you are expected to tip people who help you either in a restaurant, cab, or hotel. In some countries it is considered offensive to tip, while in others it is offensive not to. You will also be able to look up how large of a tip is appropriate.

Tip: You should know the tipping conventions for the bellboys and housekeepers. People generally recommend a buck per bag for the bellhop and $2-5 per day for the maid.

While traveling, it is important to always be polite to the local people. There may be times when language barriers create frustrating situations, but remember that it is you who don't speak the local language, and try to be as polite about it as possible. Also, keep an open mind regarding local customs and beliefs. Be especially respectful of the religious beliefs of the local people. Their beliefs may seem strange or even offensive to you, but do not criticize what is an important part of their culture.

Tip: If you want to take your dog on a trip, make sure you have trained him for the situations you may be in. You should begin their acclimation with short trips so that they become familiar with the process.

If you are planning on driving yourself around, make sure you are certain of the rules for driving in the country you are visiting. You must be familiar with laws and signs. Also, if you are visiting a country that drives on the other side of the road, you must be very careful. It might be easiest just to avoid driving altogether. In many countries you can take buses or small tours to smaller towns, and cities have public transportation and cabs available. Make sure to research ahead of time which are the safest options for travelers. Almost always, day tours are the way to go if you are going outside of the city.

For many, traveling to a foreign country is a rare and exciting experience. Make the most of your vacation by following the suggestions above and you will be able enjoy your vacation to the fullest.

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