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What Is The Reiki Method Of Natural Healing

"I am going for Reiki therapy" sounds like a new wave form of therapy; and in the history of therapies, one could say that it is new. Reiki was developed in 1922 (a younger therapy by many standards). It was developed by Mikao Usui, in Japan. The story goes that Usui was on Mount Kurama fasting and meditating for three weeks. Usui claimed that while doing so he received the ability of healing without loosing energy.

What Is Reiki?

Reiki translates to mean putative energy or the therapeutic use of it. Reiki is a spiritual practice which is used as a complementary therapy in alternative medicine. Practitioners of the Reiki method use a similar technique to the laying on of hands that will channel healing energy through their palms.

History Of Reiki

After Usui created Reiki, he wanted to share this newfound vision, so he moved to Tokyo and founded the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (Usui Reiki Healing Society). Usui used some of the literary works of Emperor Meiji (someone he admired) when setting up the ethical principles of the Reiki system. These were later known as the Reiki principles (GOKAI in Japanese). Many teachers and instructors still abide by these rules. One translation of these principles is:

• The secret method of inviting good fortune
• The marvelous medicine for all sickness
• Just for today:
Do not be angry
Do not worry
Be grateful
Work with integrity
Be kind to others

Every morning students were instructed to sit with their hands held palm-to-palm (known as the Gassho position) and speak those words from their heart.

Usui taught over 2000 people the Reiki method and thirteen went onto master’s level. Usui died in 1926.

What Does Reiki Do?

According to Reiki teachings, there is a universal and inexhaustible life force or spiritual energy that can be used to induce the healing effect. Those who believe in the Reiki method say that anyone can gain access to this energy by means of an attunement process that is carried out by the Reiki Master. This is known as a holistic therapy and it brings about healing on the mental, physical, and spiritual levels. The energy will flow through the master’s hands whenever the hands are placed on or held near the recipient. Some believe that the master must have an intention before using this energy therapy, meaning the problem spot must be acknowledged. However, others believe the energy will automatically will be drawn to the injury and will activate the natural healing process.

Apparently there is a second level of training that is said to equip the master to perform Reiki from a distance. Special symbols are used to form a temporary connection between the practitioner and the recipient. There are also techniques taught that Reiki can be sent to a specific point in time, either past or future.

How Is Reiki Performed?

A recipient of this treatment is asked to wear loose, comfortable clothing and to lie down and to relax. The practitioner may take a few minutes to enter a calm and meditative state which will allow them to mentally prepare for the treatment. This treatment is usually carried out without any unnecessary talking so that the practitioner and the recipient can completely be in a relaxed state. The treatment continues by the Reiki specialist laying the hands on the receiver of the treatment in a variety of positions. They may choose to use the method of non-touch which they would then hold their hands only a few inches from the patient. There are usually 12 to 20 positions used during a treatment and each position is held for 3 to 5 minutes. The positions cover the head, the front and back of the torso, the knees, and the feet.

This type of treatment takes full belief. The patient and the practitioner must both tap into an inner self that will allow for full concentration to best receive the necessary energy. Why Reiki may seem like a younger form of alternative natural healing, it is based on many ancient beliefs. A person can receive an inner calmness and healing from these treatments that will allow them to focus on whatever needs to be done in their life to receive full peace.

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