Knowhow-Now Article

What To Expect From Spiritual Healing Sessions

Traditional medicine is not a solution to every problem. It is not capable of healing all physical problems and it can be argued that it is even less effective in healing emotional or psychological difficulties. Part of the problem is that traditional modern medicine relies quite heavily on treatment through medication. Too often there is little ability to heal the spirit and so to heal the whole of the being.

Even natural medicine options sometimes fail to achieve the desired level of wholeness and satisfaction. At times like these the faithful move on to more faith-based resolutions. One such resolution is spiritual healing and embracing the power of spiritual healing sessions.

New Thought Movement

But what really does all of this mean? What type of system is this?

The theory behind spiritual healing is the true religious belief that faith healing or spiritual mind treatment is based on the fact that God is in everything. This includes medicine and that the true nature of humanity is divine. Spiritual mind treatment connects the body with thoughts and the state of the mind. This therapy may be performed solo or with the aid of a practitioner. Special techniques are used to align a patient with their true nature to effect a mental or physical healing. This true nature is known as a few different names, such as: Christ Consciousness, Divine Mind, God Consciousness, or One Mind.

This new thought believes that everything involves God, including medicines and doctors. With this thought, this new form of healing can be used in conjunction with modern day medical practices. However, it is also thought that traditional medicine is not necessary because this will tap into a spiritual energy that will allow for full healing.


This theory is a religion that holds as its doctrine the belief that contact is possible between the living and the spirits of the dead. The thought of death is not as scary for those who practice this form of religion as it may be for those who practice other forms of religion. This does not mean that sickness and pain is not felt, not by any means. The spirit does feel pain and senses the discomforts of the flesh-body even though the spirit is not ill. Spiritualism is different from the New Thought Movement because it does not promote the mental cures but does believe that contact with the spirits of the deceased is key in finding a cure. This includes contacting the spirits of deceased doctors and seeking their advice.

Spiritual Healing Session

What happens during one of these healing sessions? What can one expect? Well, a typical session is truly not typical because each person is treated as an individual. Psychic guidance is combined with peer-based counseling of energy healing and spiritual mentorship that is needed by the client in each moment. Some sessions are just conversations that include psychotherapy with the spirit world and other sessions involve the healing table where hands are laid upon the client to channel the healing energy.

An average session is about 60 to 90 minutes but most practitioners of this therapy want to take care of the needs right away. The need is more important than the time that has been set.

Each session starts by setting the relaxed mood and environment that is needed to call upon the spirits. The practitioner will ask for the guidance of the angels and will ask the client why they have come. It is suggested that the client should state their specific problem and any health concerns so the session can be diredted in the right way. The session is guided by the clinet and their needs. Each person is different and that level of respect is given. Some need complete guidance through the spirit world and others just need the charkas cleared and able to guide themselves.

If physical healing is needed by using the power of touch then the permission is always asked. Most healing can be done without actually touching the client because the energy summoned is not constrained by time or space.

Not all sessions end with the client having their life go the way they want. The angels and guides may tell the client they have to give up something, that they truly need a surgery, and that they need to accept and heal their relationship with what is happening. Most clients leave felling better and happier when they truly believe in the guides and accept their help

This form of alternative healing may seem too far out there for some. This would take full belief in the theories it is based on. This takes an open mind and full cooperation. This, just like all other forms of healing, should be researched and only performed by a licensed practitioner.

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